English Conversation Tables
Led by British Writer Robin Saikia

Every Tuesday evening we present a lively and informal series of one-hour English conversation classes led by distinguished British writer Robin Saikia (www.robinsaikia.com).
The classes are ideal for Italians with a good knowledge of English who would like to improve their pronunciation and grammar.
Conversation, reading aloud, common mistakes in English, pronunciation - these are just a few of the many topics we will explore on Tuesday evenings.
The setting is friendly and intimate - and drinks and snacks are available during and after the class.
A perfect way to improve your English in a relaxed, unpressurized environment.
-- Lesson 1 --
Reading Aloud
Each pupil will be asked to read aloud a short paragraph in English.
We will identify any discuss any problems pupils may have with pronunciation.
-- Lesson 2 --
Presentation I
Each pupil will be asked to speak for a few minutes about work, family or leisure interests.
We will identify and discuss any problems pupils may have with grammar and pronunciation.
-- Lesson 3 --
Common Mistakes
We will identify and discuss the most common grammatical and idiomatic mistakes pupils make when speaking English.
-- Lesson 4 --
A lively and colourful exploration of English idioms in everyday usage.
-- Lesson 5 --
A lesson in how to speak good, traditional English using Received Pronunciation. Learn how to develop an authentic and educated English accent.
-- Lesson 6 --
Role Play
Students will be asked to talk to each other and the teacher about a variety of everyday situations:
topics covered will include greetings, giving directions, eating, drinking, cooking,
shopping, sightseeing, children, education, relationships, media
and much more.
-- Lesson 7 --
Presentation II
each pupil will be asked to give a three-minute presentation on a topic set by the teacher.
The class will then discuss and debate each topic in turn.
-- Lesson 8 --
«We believe that Grandi Navi are important to the economy of Venice»
Do you agree or disagree? Pupils will be asked to support and oppose the proposition.
-- Lesson 9 --
False Friends (Falsi Amici)
An exploration of the most frequently occurring «false friends».
-- Lesson 10 --
Questions and answers
pupils will be given the opportunity
to raise any questions they might have
about spoken and written English.
-- €10 euro per Person per Lesson --
-- Maximum 10 Students --
-- Booking Required --
Aperitivo and Snacks available during & after the Lessons
(extra payment)